Category: News

Sacrifice 0

43 hours to go! Two new cards

The final countdown is coming to an end and we are currently 200% funded and we smashed one more stretch goal! Two new cards have been unlocked! Stepping through the door as the next Stretch...

board games 0

72 hours to go!

25 days is a long time and sometimes it flew by while other times it seemed to go on forever… A big thanks to all of our backers who have been with us through...

Lorenzo Lupi Twitch 0

To our Italian friends: meet us on Twitch

Ciao ragazzi, un aggiornamento in italiano per comunicarvi che Lunedì 28 marzo (domani) saremo LIVE su Twitch per parlare della nuova espansione di Village of Legends!  Dalle 21:00 alle 23:00 Lorenzo sarà in diretta sul...


A Hero from the oriental realms: Naga

A new character has been unlocked! This mythological creature has joined us from the far away oriental lands. They are a divine creature of great powers and not to be mistaken for tameable monsters. ...

Adhara Village of Legends 0

Adhara new expansion is LIVE on Kickstarter!

Adhara, the brand new expansion of Village of Legends, now live on This awesome new expansion is fun and easy to learn and features new adventures, heroes, cards, and tokens. As well as a...

The Raider Hero 0

Raider preview

Fearless, strong and independent. Nomadic by nature, this hero is tough as nails, and displays an almost unmatched will to live. Adhara new expansion is coming to Kickstarter! Sign up for a notification when...