This ability heals the Monster of X Life Points at the beginning of each turn, before attacking the player.
Every time damage is inflicted to a Monster with this ability, it is reduced by X.
Monster’s Life Points may vary depending on the party size.
The Monster with this icon on a its card has an amount of Life Points equal to the number of players multiplied by X .
At the end of the defending player’s turn the Monster with this ability charges the player with the most Life Points, attacking them at the start of their turn. Every time this Monster charges a new player it gets a bonus of +2
to its next attack.
Defensive Monsters protect their owner from other Monsters or opponents’ attacks.
This Monster is played in their owner’s area (or in another player’s area) and acts as a Defence card until killed.
Defensive Monsters don’t block that player’s access to the Market and don’t prevent players buying or collecting loot cards in their area.
The damage and experience work like other Monsters: it is succeptible to wounds and players gain experience by killing it.
If a Monster card is reduced to 0 Life Points it is killed put into its owner’s discard pile and the remaining damage is carried over to the next Defensive Monster. Any remaining damage after having defeated all Defensive Monsters
is lost (except damage done by Heavy Weapons).
Only in co-op mode: Non-summoned Defensive Monsters walk with their owner from one encounter to another and are not discarded before drawing a new Adventure card.
Defensive Monsters are placed in front of you and cannot attack during this turn. Defensive Monsters attack at the beginning of your turn after Monster attacks. Defensive Monsters can only attack Monsters in other players’ areas if
there are no Monsters left in their own area.
Players cannot attack these Monster cards to gain XP.
When attacking this insane Monster targets each player. Roll one die for all players.
At the end of the defending player’s turn the Monster with this ability moves and is placed in front of the player whose turn is next. This ability allows moving Monsters to group together at the end of each player’s turn. This will also allow Monsters to proliferate, even multiple times and move at the end of each turn to the next player, proliferating again when necessary.
The Monster with is ability is immune to a specified attack type (all damage done by all attacks of the indicated type is reduced to 0).
Mount helps other Monster to have bonus attack and are found on horizontally printed mini cards.
Monster with this ability must be placed in front of a player as indicated by the Adventure card.
The next Monster which will be placed in that player’s area will ride the Monster with this ability. Place the rider Monster onto the Mount Monster card. The riding Monster gets +2 to its attack roll until riding. When the mount
is killed the riding Monster gets 2 . Any armor bonus can reduce this damage.
Dragons and other enormous creatures may burst into the game changing the balance.
When a Monster with this ability is drawn, place it in the space marked 10 (the space on the right) on the Market board.
If this space is occupied by a card move that card to the available space on the Market.
The Monster with this ability attacks the current player at the beginning of each turn.
At the end of each player’s turn and till the Monster has been defeated, or all of his Special cards have entered the game, place a new Special card of that Monster type in space 10 on the
Market, and move all the other Special cards of that Monster present on the Market one space to the left.
The Monster moves from space 10 to 9, then to 8 and so on... placing the Special cards on top of the cards on the
Market board.
The order in which one adds the new Special cards must match the design painted on the cards.
Players cannot buy or sell cards or interact with the Market (including all loot cards) until the Monster with this ability is defeated.
At the beginning of each players’ turn the Monster attacks the current player using all the abilities and effects of all its cards already present on the Market, starting from the first one on the left moving right.
If a Hero dies remaining damage of a deadly attack is not carried over to another player.
When the Monster has been defeated every player who has inflicted at least 1 wound to this Monster, earns the amount of Experience Points (XP) found on the bottom right of the last special Monster card (even if not played).
The items swallowed by the creature (the cards on which the Special cards of this Monster have been placed) may be shared among the players who have fought that Monster, starting from the player who has inflicted last blow and
moving counterclockwise.
Each player chooses one of those cards and places it into their discard pile, without buying it, untill there are no more cards left to distribute or if nobody else wants to take them.
Put the remaining cards at the bottom the Main deck.
In the PvP mode when a Monster with this ability enters the game players may fight each other taking advantage of this diversion.
Before attacking, the Monster with this ability pickpockets a certain number of cards at random from the defending player’s hand. The number of cards stolen is indicated by the pickpocketing value (X). The pick-pocketed cards are placed under the Monster who stole them. When this Monster is killed, and if there are no other Monsters in front of them, owners can put all stolen cards into their discard pile.
Poisonous creatures like Giant Spiders, Snakes and Scorpions have the ability to leave a lasting affect on their victims.
If the attack of this Monster does at least one damage to a player’s Hero this Hero will also get infected by the Monster’s poison and will receive the number of poison tokens indicated on the Monster’s card. At the start of each
turn before other Monster’s attack, this Hero will lose one Life Point for every poison token which he is infected by.
This poison can only be cured by the use of specific cards or can be prevented by Immune to poison skill.
In co-op mode all poision tokens are discarded at the end of each adventure.
This ability comes into affect at the beginning of each player’s turn and before attacking the player.
Each group of the same proliferating Monsters which reaches a certain number (X) will put a new mini card of the same Monster into play.
The number of required Monsters is indicated by the proliferate ability value (X).
Kobolds are wild untamed monsters who cannot be bought from the market, when they are awoken from their slumber, they seek immediate revenge on those who have disturbed them.
When drawn from the Main deck the Monster with this ability immediately attacks the player who draws this Monster card. It subsequently follow all of the rules related to Monsters attacking and blocking the Market from the moment they awake until their death.Monster with this ability doesn’t block player’s access to the Market and don’t prevent players buying or collecting loot cards in their area.
Monster with this ability is able to summon other creatures before attacking. Summoned Monsters are placed in the same area and protect their master from attacks: they are attacked before the summoning Monster. Remaining damage dealt by players after having defeated all summoned Monsters is carried over the Monster who has summoned them.
Heroes have the possibility to tame certain wild Monsters and creatures which are indicated on the card along with their minimum taming roll (X).
If a player isn’t able to reach the minimum roll, the creature will attack this player and will remain in the Market.
However if a player rolls successfully they can then purchase this Monster from the Market.
Only in co-op mode: After its attack, the wild Monster which has been tamed is placed in the discard pile of the player who has made the successfull attempt and that Monster gain Defensive ability.
When this Monster is defeated place it into the owners discard pile unless it is a mini card, in this case it is placed back in the box.