The Dwarven War Mug has been passed down through the generations bestowing great power onto the chosen few who gulp from it from its frothy rim, fused with ancient magic , it throws its drinker into fits of rage as if he had drunk many beer.
When this card is played, it has the effect of two beers and automatically activates the berserker mode without the need of additional beer.

Bone axe of unknown origins this weapon is legendary amongst the dwarves and it is rumored to have a dark soul of its own because of the unspeakable, mutilating damage it has caused to many a wandering monster.

These ancient heavy weapons were lost to the Dwarves for centuries and countless expeditions to uncover them and wield their deadly power have failed… until now.
Any Hero capable of wielding the Double Axe will use each end to attack and will have two opportunities to roll the die and damage his adversary, or if surrounded by enemies he can inflict one attack on two separate opponents. The Dwarven Crossbow is a testament to the superior craftsmanship and deadly intent of the Dwarves, its accuracy and attack power are unmatched, countless heroes have fallen to its deadly blows.