Each Hero has a unique skill set including an -value, Weapon bonuses and/or other abilities and weaknesses written on their Hero Board.
When a Monster is killed, the Hero who kills it gains its Market price in experience points. If the XP marker reached or passes a coloured space the Hero reaches a new experience level, automatically unlocking the related abilities.
As in the base game, when a Monster is killed the Hero who kills it gains an amount of experience points indicated on the bottom-right of the card (Standard Monster) or found on the back of the mini card.
Experience points are also gained after an encounter ends, as mentioned before.
In this new co-op mode each Hero progresses by acquiring different permanent skills.
If any of the Heroes reach level 3 of experience points, that player can reset their experience points (loosing abilities and bonuses linked to level 2 and level 3) to gain one Basic Skill of their choice, any time during the adventure.
As soon as you need, check the box next to the name of the skill and place your Hero’s XP token back to 0.
The skills are listed on the “Hero Sheet” and allow Heroes to acquire new abilities, attack bonuses and additional cards to keep during the Pack your Bag phase.
If the player does not want to choose a Basic skill they can instead choose to move up a learning stage towards gaining an Advanced Skill
Experience points are carried over from one adventure to another and must be noted on the Hero Sheet when the play session is over.
□ +1 w/ Swords
□ +1 w/ Axes
□ +1 w/ Maces & Hammers
□ +1 w/ Ranged Weapons
□ +1 w/ Knives
□ +1 w/ Staffs
□ +1 w/ Fire Spells
□ +1 w/ Air Spells
This skill allows players to keep one of the indicated card type, from their deck, during the Pack your Bag phase.
This skill is used at the end of adventure and bonus cards must be selected from the player’s deck.
You cannot acquire the same skill more than once.
□ +1 Weapon card
□ +1 Ranged Weapon card
□ +1 Spell card
□ +1 Staff card
□ +1 Potion card
□ +1 Scroll card
□ +1 Beer card
□ +1 Defence card
□ +1 Treasure card
When the play session is over note any additional card in the corresponding space on the Hero Sheet.
There are three stages to acquire an advanced skill. Heroes move towards gaining an advanced skill by filling in a learning stage ( ) found on the Hero Sheet.
When both stages have already been reached, the third stage is an advanced skill. At the third step players can choose one advanced skill for their Hero. Once a Hero has gained an advanced skill the player must rub out the learning stages. When more than one □-icon is present on the list below, the player can acquire multiple copies of the same skill, in relation to the number of □ □ present.
Effects of these skills may vary depending on the number of □ □ of the same skill which has been acquired.
□ Arcane Knowledge: Get + 2 untill the end of turn after playing a Spell.
□ Precision: Using a Ranged Weapon (see ‘Weapon classification’ later in these rules) you can attack Monsters present in any area even if there are Monsters in front of you.
□ Blacksmith: Forge items by combining Resources and Nuggets. When you are close to an anvil a Blacksmith table will appear in the Adventure Book.
□ Bowyer: Once, at any time during your turn, if there are no Monsters in play, discard a Kinfe card from your hand to craft one bow or crossbow by combining Log cards (see ‘Bowyer table’ later in these rules).
□ Broad shoulders: Carry 2 extra items in your inventory. This bonus is cumulable with other bonuses of the same type.
□ Burglar: Roll a die when a Trap! or Door Adventure card is drawn (cards #38, #39, #41 or #50 of this expansion).
If you roll 4, 5 or 6 discard that card and draw the next one from the A dventure deck.
□ Erudition: Your starting intelligence is increased by + 2 and you learn how to read Scrolls.
Only for Heroes with 1 or 2 starting value.
□ □ Healer: Any time you play a Healing Spell, all other Heroes get + 2 ( □ ) or +3 ( □ □ ).
□ Hiding: Hide from Monsters during your turn after their attack. You can’t be attacked by Monsters you have in front, which move in front of the player on your left at the end of the turn. As long as you remain hidden -for any length of turns- you are not forced to attack, but when you do, you will become visible again. Only one Hero per encounter can use this ability.
□ Immunity to poison: Immune to any kind of poison.
□ Meditation: Discard 3 cards from your hand during your turn to get +4 in the following turn. If the Hero before that turn loses at least 1
the effect will be cancelled.
□ Provocation: Once per turn, after Monsters attack, you may discard two cards and roll a die to have a chance to provoke one Monster in play into attacking another Monster in the same area.
Your roll -2 must be greater than the amount of Life Points of the Monster you want to deceive. Any remaining damage after having defeated the attacked Monster is lost (except damage done by Monsters with Heavy attack , which can be carried over to the other Monsters in that area).
Undead Monsters (See ‘Monster types’ later in these rules) and Final Boss can’t be provoked.
□ □ □ Resurrection: Discard 5 cards during your turn to bring a Hero which has been defeated during the current adventure back to life. Returning players come back with 15 Life Points however they lose 1 skill.
Only 1 ( □ ) or 2 ( □ □ ) or 3 ( □ □ □ ) times per adventure.
□ Stealth: Buy Loot cards in areas where there are Monsters.
□ Stewmaker: At the end of the adventure, all gained by every player when playing food cards is doubled.
□ Tailor: Once, at any time during your turn, if there are no Monsters in play, craft any number of items by combining Resources cards (see ‘Tailor table’ later in these rules).